National Center for Human Genome Research - the National Institutes of Health's site detailing the latest research into gene therapy and the identification of those genes that may cause cancer.
American Association for Cancer Research - AACR is a scientific society of over 17,000 laboratory and clinical cancer researchers that facilitates communication and dissemination of knowledge among scientists and others dedicated to the cancer problem.
Department of Defense: - information on the latest research studies approved under the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program.
National Human Genome Research Institute - understanding how the interaction of genes can activate, accelerate or destroy cancers
Cooperative Human Tissue Network - program funded by the National Cancer Institute to aid in obtaining human tissue for research projects. In many cases, tissues samples from biopsies, surgical procedures, etc. are requested from the patients for various requirements. This will give you background on the need.
American Institute for Cancer Research - a pioneer in supporting and encouraging research into the role of diet and nutrition in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Selenium and Man's Best Friend - Article detailing Dr. David Waters' work in treating prostate cancer in dogs with the mineral, Selenium, and the correlation for human treatment.