It has been projected that the primary treatments of surgery and radiation can have some type of side effects stemming from the treatment itself occurring in approximately 30% of patients. In looking at radiation therapy a recent interventional protocol has been developed that can minimize the incidence of treatment-related issues. Dr. Cristina Gutierrez talks about the application.
People Living With
Cancer - a site produced by the Patient Information Program
of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) providing comprehensive
information on 85 types of cancer.
Diarrhea - chemotherapy and radiation can often lead to diarrhea.
This site provided by the National Digestive Diseases Information
Clearinghouse provides ways to control the problem
Oral Mucositis - and other chemotherapy side-effects are dealt
with on the site for Multinational Association of Supportive Care
in Cancer
- an educational site supported by the National Anemia Action Council
helps deal with anemia associated with serious diseases
- deals with nausea and vomiting associated with the side effects
of radiation, chemotherapy or post-operative protocols. Information
available in English, Spanish, Italian and German
National Lymphedema
Network - deals with the damage to, or removal of, the lymph
nodes associated with various cancer treatments
This page is partially supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Augmenix, Inc.